AI – Artificial intelligence (in English)

Kurs-ID 478-2930
Datum 16.10.2024 bis 17.10.2024
Dauer 2 Tage
Unterrichtszeiten 17:00 - 20:15
Kosten 399,00 €
Abschluss Zertifikat
Präsenzkurs Keine Angabe.
mind. Teilnehmerzahl k. A.
max. Teilnehmerzahl 15
URL des Kurses Details beim Anbieter
Anmelde URL des Kurses Direkte Anmeldung beim Anbieter
spezielles Angebot für Dozenten Keine Angabe.
Online-Unterricht mit Videokonferenz alfaview


AbendkursBildungsgutscheinFörderfähig nach Fachkursprogramm des ESFBarierrefreier Zugang
Jak. A.k. A.k. A.


The live online seminar is designed for anyone who will come into professional contact with artificial intelligence or would like to acquire basic skills for working with automation. The course is also suitable for non-technicians. 
In this live online course, you will gain a profound overview of the basics, applications and future developments of artificial intelligence and learn about the opportunities offered by the technology. You will get to know the most important technical terms and frameworks as well as their meaning and get an orientation of what can already be realized today with the help of artificial intelligence.
Get to know the basic principles of artificial intelligence!
What is artificial intelligence? What is machine learning and deep learning? And how will working with automation change our lives in the future? More and more companies are expecting the use of artificial intelligence to increase their productivity and generate greater added value from AI-based systems.
This online seminar will provide you with the key facts you need to understand AI applications and teach you how you and your company can use AI to make yourself competitive and fit for the future. In addition to the strengths and opportunities of AI, we also highlight the risks and challenges of artificial intelligence.
Technical requirements:To participate in the seminar, you should set up an account or ChatGPT account.Introduction to artificial intelligence

- What is Artificial Intelligence?
- History and development of AI
- Difference between weak and strong AI
- Current trends and developments in AI

Future prospects and challenges of AI

- Potentials and risks of AI
- Innovation and new business opportunities
- Ethical issues and responsibility when using AI

Machine learning and deep learning

- Basics of machine learning
- Introduction to neural networks
- Applications of machine learning and deep learning

Areas of application of AI

- AI in various industries: Healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, etc.
- AI in corporate functions: Marketing, HR, IT, etc.

Practical applications and project ideas

- Overview of AI tools and platforms, e.g. ChatGPT und Dall-E
- Application of AI tools and frameworks
- Project ideas for the implementation of AI applications
- Practical tips for getting started with AI projects

Für eine Live-Teilnahme unbedingt erforderlich:

- Handelsüblicher Computer (64-bit), Headset, Webcam
- Stabile Internetverbindung
- Mind. 2 GB Arbeitsspeicher
- Download und Installation alfaview® (für dich kostenfrei!)

Kurzer Vorbereitungscheck:

- Profil anlegen oder Login und gewünschten Kurs buchen
- Videokonferenzsoftware herunterladen und installieren
- Technik prüfen (Computer, Headset und Webcam)
- Auf in dein Profil einloggen und alles testen

Die Veranstaltung findet live und online statt, bitte prüfe mindestens 2-3 Tage vor Kursbeginn dein Equipment und installiere dir rechtzeitig die Videokonferenzsoftware alfaview®-Software (für dich kostenfrei!). Solltest Du ein Firmennetzwerk bzw. einen Firmenrechner nutzen, kläre bitte zuvor die Installation sowie Verwendung von alfaview® mit der entsprechenden Abteilung ab!