Successful Leadership (in English)

Kurs-ID 438-2395
Datum 05.11.2024 bis 07.11.2024
Dauer 3 Tage
Unterrichtszeiten 17:00 - 20:15
Kosten 499,00 €
Abschluss Zertifikat
Präsenzkurs Keine Angabe.
mind. Teilnehmerzahl k. A.
max. Teilnehmerzahl 15
URL des Kurses Details beim Anbieter
Anmelde URL des Kurses Direkte Anmeldung beim Anbieter
spezielles Angebot für Dozenten Keine Angabe.
Online-Unterricht mit Videokonferenz alfaview


AbendkursBildungsgutscheinFörderfähig nach Fachkursprogramm des ESFBarierrefreier Zugang
Jak. A.k. A.k. A.


The online seminar “Successful Leadership” is designed for prospective managers or those who already hold a management position.
In this live-online-seminar, you will learn about the importance of successful and efficient leadership and what it takes to be a strong leader. You will get to know methods to strengthen team power as well as techniques to manage difficult leadership situations constructively and successfully.
Managing new challenges successfully as a leader
What does it mean to lead successfully and efficiently? What are the goals and tasks of a modern leader? In this online course, you will develop and reflect on your personal leadership skills and position yourself in your leadership role. In this online seminar, you will also learn how to meet different expectations and still lead in a clear and motivating way. Discover your strengths and resources and use them in a targeted manner to lead your employees!Successful leadership – introduction and terms

- Definition of leadership
- Skills needed for successful leadership

Personal leadership style

- Different leadership types
- Reflection on personal self-image as a leader
- Identification of the personal leadership type

Leading by distance

- Challenges of leadership at a distance
- Methods for digital collaboration
- Effective strategies for hybrid collaboration

Conducting employee appraisals

- The basics of successful performance interviews
- Selection of appropriate discussion formats
- Conducting meetings for criticism and feedback
- Communication principles and rules for successful discussions

Delegation of tasks

- Delegation processes and their measurability, e.g. with the IM(M)PUT+F model or KPIs
- Tools for effective task processing
- Use of OKRs to develop, measure and implement goals

New in leadership

- Successfully mastering the first phases as a manager
- Setting goals and tasks for leadership work
- Conducting feedback sessions for continuous improvement

Employee motivation

- Strategies for motivating employees
- Methods for strengthening teamwork

Managing difficult leadership situations in a constructive way

- Conflict management and solution strategies
- Dealing with difficult employees
- Supporting a constructive working environment

Für eine Live-Teilnahme unbedingt erforderlich:

- Handelsüblicher Computer (64-bit), Headset, Webcam
- Stabile Internetverbindung
- Mind. 2 GB Arbeitsspeicher
- Download und Installation alfaview® (für dich kostenfrei!)

Kurzer Vorbereitungscheck:

- Profil anlegen oder Login und gewünschten Kurs buchen
- Videokonferenzsoftware herunterladen und installieren
- Technik prüfen (Computer, Headset und Webcam)
- Auf in dein Profil einloggen und alles testen

Die Veranstaltung findet live und online statt, bitte prüfe mindestens 2-3 Tage vor Kursbeginn dein Equipment und installiere dir rechtzeitig die Videokonferenzsoftware alfaview®-Software (für dich kostenfrei!). Solltest Du ein Firmennetzwerk bzw. einen Firmenrechner nutzen, kläre bitte zuvor die Installation sowie Verwendung von alfaview® mit der entsprechenden Abteilung ab!

