Master Digital Business Management (M.Sc.)

Kurs-ID 1924/5
Datum 27.09.2024 bis 31.08.2026
Dauer 4 semesters
Unterrichtszeiten Online
Kosten 11.800,00 €
Zielgruppe Bachelor-Absolventen wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher, technischer, naturwissenschaftlicher sowie geisteswissenschaftlicher Studienrichtung.
Voraussetzung First university degree (Bachelor's degree or equivalent programm with at least 210 ECTS). If you only have 180 ECTS, you can also get admitted, but would need to have a work experience of at least 6 months that you would need to proof.
Abschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Akademische Weiterbildung Dieser Kurs richtet sich speziell an Interessenten einer akademischen Weiterbildung.
Präsenzkurs Dies ist keine Anwesenheitsveranstaltung.
mind. Teilnehmerzahl 6
max. Teilnehmerzahl 15
Dozent Prof. Dr. Stefan Detscher
URL des Kurses Details beim Anbieter
spezielles Angebot für Dozenten Keine Angabe.
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen
Neckarsteige 6-10
72622 Nürtingen


AbendkursBildungsgutscheinFörderfähig nach Fachkursprogramm des ESFBarierrefreier Zugang
k. A.k. A.k. A.k. A.


The International Digital Business School offers a part-time, internationally accredited Digital Master & study program in an online learning format in English.

In the Digital Master & study program, students acquire skills in the core competence areas:

- Digital Business
- AI and Analytics
- Web3 and Immersive Web
- Digital Leadership & Transformation
- Digital Marketing & Sales
- Digital Research

In addition to the Master of Science degree, which qualifies students for a doctorate, the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS), Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and Certificate can also be completed.

For further information please contact Susanne Liemer,
HfWU Akademie e.V.
Admission requirements for the Master of Science:

- First university degree (Bachelor's degree or equivalent programm with at least 210 ECTS)
- If you only have 180 ECTS, you can also get admitted, but would need to have a work experience of at least 6 months that you would need to proof
- No formal admission requirements for Diploma & Certificate studies and certificate courses.
- When applying with a Bachelor's degree from a foreign / non-German university, the recognition procedure of the Studienkolleg Konstanz, which is standardized for Baden-Württemberg, must first be


management, master, berufsbegleitend, business, digital, weiterbildung berufsbegleitend master


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