Management Essentials for Professionals (MEP)

Datum 14.03.2025 bis 26.07.2025
Dauer 9 zweitägige Module
Unterrichtszeiten Freitag / Samstag ganztags
Kosten 7.000,00 €
Zielgruppe Berufstätige mit Interesse an betriebswirtschaftlichen Knowhow
Bildungsart Studienangebot - weiterführend
Unterrichtsform Wochenendveranstaltung
Voraussetzung Mind. 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung, ein Erststudium ist nicht zwingend erforderlich, gute bis sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, Teilnahme an einem persönlichen Interview
Abschluss Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
Akademische Weiterbildung Dieser Kurs richtet sich speziell an Interessenten einer akademischen Weiterbildung.
Präsenzkurs Dieser Kurs findet ausschließlich als Anwesenheitsveranstaltung statt.
mind. Teilnehmerzahl 5
max. Teilnehmerzahl 15
Dozent HFU Akademie
spezielles Angebot für Dozenten Keine Angabe.
Hochschule Furtwangen, Campus Schwenningen
Jakob-Kienzle-Str. 17
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen


AbendkursBildungsgutscheinFörderfähig nach Fachkursprogramm des ESFBarierrefreier Zugang


For your professional development, HFU Business School offers you the one-semester CAS program "Management Essentials for Professionals". We enable you to deal with strategic decisions and challenges in complex and uncertain situations. This is what counts on strategic levels. At the same time, your personal future depends to which extent you can discuss at this level in an intelligent and constructive way. This one semester is identical to the first semester of the Executive MBA and is taught together. It always takes place during the summer semester (March to July) on Schwenningen Campus.
We rely on interactive learning with professional input from our very experienced lecturers. We believe you can learn from the experience, everyday problems and creativity of other participants. That’s why face-to-face teaching is so important. Of course, you will be taught the theory required for strategic decision-making and problem solving in all critical business functional areas, but you will also benefit from the experience of your peers. As most of our participants work or will be working in an international environment, all our courses are taught in English.
A professional network develops during the program that will prove invaluable throughout your career. The alumni organization we support enables this network to be maintained and expanded over the long term even after the program has been completed.
At the end of this program, you will receive an officially recognized Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS). The tuition fees for this program are € 7,000. On completing the certificate program, you can decide whether you wish to continue your professional development by taking an Executive MBA. All courses already passed would be 100% accredited.


management, betriebswirtschaftslehre, englisch, berufsbegleitend, weiterbildung im beruf, weiterbildung nebenberuflich, hochschule, wochenendkurs, kaufmaennische weiterbildung, business administration


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